For a complete view of the Shriners event, click here.

The Shriner's Parade, downtown Lebanon, NH, Saturday August 4th.
Sphinx Shriners were joined by several other New England units.
Not one of them complained that it was too hot to participate in the event..such
a dedicated group of members!!
Regardless of the heat, the wonderful people of Lebanon, NH, filled the streets and
didn't hesitate to show their support and enthusiasm..

...Hey! Wait a minute...! That guy below looks a lot like Nick???

Hey, it is Nick????
Actually, he was asked if he would mind filling in for a missing Shriner..he obviously
said yes, so they handed him a cape and a flag, then told him to wave and smile...which he did...(although he did get a little
carried away...:)

There was also the party afterwards...these guys are like the enegirzer
bunny...they just keep on going!!!

A special treat for Pote Ed Paul and his lady Linda...the Sphinx Shriners
Great job Heidi...!

..After requesting "It's a small world, after all" Pote Ed has a peace
offering of roses to his wife Linda.
Linda can't stand the song anymore, but Ed just thought it'd be long as
he backed it up with roses, I guess he's it also was a token of love for their 15 year anniversary!

Special guest appearance from Timmy, a Shriners child..though blind,
he has the voice of an angel..

Timmy's family and friends...

Millie and Willard were also celebrating thier anniversary..of '60' years..!!!

The pictures below are from a variety of old pictures taken and posted
on our sight..
Nick and "Mr Ed"...ok, so it's not Mr Ed,
but they were beautiful!
Nancy and her new love..well, at least for the night..
He even dressed up with a flower on his head just for their special night..

We had the honor of meeting one of our favorite actors, Jill Clayburgh..she
looked beautiful and was very complentary to us..
We were speechless.....! Ok, well at least I was speechless

Andy Martha Jim and Fran paying us a visit at the Ethan Allen, all the way from Bridgeport!
Great to see you guys~ and gals...

John & Jo from invitation for us to visit~

Fun at the Ethan Allen with friends from Ireland visiting for a wedding..Kate,
Gertie and Mairtin......

Grecian Nights entertaining the night away...
