After All (the duo) Official Web Site 2017

Favorite pics
After All review of April plus Schedule for May and June 2017
April 2017 schedule delayed..our apologies
After All March 2017 Schedule and February 2017 review
After All February 2017 Schedule and January review
After All January 2017 Schedule and December 2016 review
The Swingin Parrot Pics
Millinium Dental Xmas Party
Boney's 70th b-day party
NYE Fun at the Middletown Elks !!!!
Misc pics
Jitterbugs Dance Studio-4 on the Floor-@ the Delaney House, MA.
Singles Under Sail Xmas party 2011
Our Danbury friends and fans!!
Waterbury Elks Club November 2011
A night at the Hawthorne
Dancing Machine's...and great excersice too!
Nick's Collage and more..
After All Favorite Links-web site and referrals
Dan's 70th Birthday Party-Norwalk, CT
Tracey's 'Catsquerade Ball" Society Rm Htfd
Entertainment for our elderly :)
Video clip from Chuck Berry Concert
Meg and Jason's wedding
Mohegan Sun- As a 'trio'
Janet & Jessie's wedding
Doug and Karen's wedding
Tribute to Mayor Mike
After All favorite pics
Meriden HS Class of 1958 Reunion
Pics of people and places we've played..
UK pics
After All August and September pictures 2007
Shriners Parade Hanover, NH August -07
Shriners Pictures
Jim & Ellen's Reception
chuck berry show June 17th 2006

Nick and Nancy at one of the Shriners events taken by the Shriners photographer, Bruce Fairclough,  at the Marriott in Windsor.


No mistaking Gino and our Nanster in this great shot at Sorrento's in Hartford, CT


Nancy posing with sound man, Jim at the Atrium Lounge in Foxwoods.


One of our favorite people to play for, Peter Derita and friend, Michael, singing their rendition of My Way...


Nick, Nancy and owner of Sorrento's, Bobby!


Where would we be without the friendship and devotion throughout the years of After All, without our buds, Lois and Wilbur Pike?


...rental Yamaha piano, probably $400, performing live with Chuck Berry and having him play along with Nick on the piano?? you can tell on Nick's non-stop smile..


The love's of Nan's life..daughter in law, Claire and son Christopher


One of the over 1000's photo's on Nancy's trip to London, April of 2007 with her friends,Bobbi and Bobby...


Nancy is very happy having friends Rich, Diane and Steve join her and Nick at The Hawthorne Inn.  Nick took the picture!


Our everlasting, everloving and equally devoted friends, Mark and Karen..


Nick's grand daughter, Savannah, now 4 1/2 years old..She'll be driving before you know it!!!!


Nancy and former TV news anchor woman at an event she attended and we played in East Hartford.


Nancy and 'Artistry' along with Glenn and Steve.
(she must only like to perform with bands starting with the lettter 'A'...)


Nancy & Artistry performing live at Hubbard Park Bandshell, Meriden


Oh My.....what the heck is that on your head Nick???
Ahhh..the look of the 70's with Nick's favorite car in the background, a Datsun 240Z..


Oh yes, that's a memory and a look to be proud of..(he he..)
Nick with a group that became one of CT's best musical acts around..1969-1974, "Surprise" in a rare Meriden Record Journal picture before a performance at Hubbard Park in Meriden..
Members of the band, starting in the back, Ken Nessing,(lead singer)Ralph-Papo-Collazo (lead guitar-on RT), Ken Stabach (on LT. drummer) John Mengual (bassist) and of course Nick with little furry stuffed animal in hand..(don't ask??)


One of our favorite pics from performing at Mohegan Sun a 'Leffingwells Martini Bar' with 'Nick' olives...Yum!


Nick's trip to San Fransisco in April 2007, to visit his son, Nicholas who took him on a tour of the city with the lights on the bay and this picture of downtown SF. Market St.
